A new academic year!

We are very happy to have welcomed children back to Little Chestnuts this September. As well as welcoming back children who had previously attended the pre-school we have also had a number of new starters who have settled in brilliantly. We have all really enjoyed the start of the term and had lots of fun!

Stem Week

During Stem week we got to see some chicks hatch and they even came to visit Little Chestnuts and we got to hold them.  We also experimented with colour mixing with oil and water, making a volcano and making our own boats to see of they would sink or float. 

World Book Day

On World book day we dressed up as characters from our favourite book and read our favourite stories.  Using some of the money raised from the pancake flip we bought some new magnifying bug pots and went on a minibeast hunt in Chestnut Wood. 


This term we have been learning about recycling and what happens to our waste and how to recycle it. We take it in turns to take out the compost bin and empty the crisp recycling.  

At the end of the term we we lucky enough to have a visit from the Easter bunny and went on an eater egg hunt. 

Fun at Little Chestnuts!

We have been having lots of fun in Little Chestnuts so far this half term. We have said “Hello” to new children and welcomed back old friends. The children have been exploring the water world, enjoying messy sensory play and playing with the new outdoor resources.

Ready for opening!

We’re thrilled to confirm we’re ready to go for our grand opening this week, before welcoming our first pupils later this month!

As anyone that’s been involved in a building project will appreciate, the journey has been frantic. Plus, with OFSTED’s visit to the school coming a few weeks ago, the team had some added and unexpected pressures to deal with!

But, gradually things have come together. As the exterior cladding was finished at the start of November, so the exterior signage was fixed into position. Giving our pre-school building its final touch of personalisation. We’re so pleased with how it’s come together.

We can’t thank our staff enough for their hard work and energy in getting us to where we are now. And we can’t wait to welcome everyone to Little Chestnuts Pre-school in the coming weeks!

Craned into position!

This week marked a key milestone…the Little Chestnuts building was craned into position! A delay due to high winds deferred our excitement by a day, but when it happened it all happened very quickly! To see it in its final resting place has got the team chomping at the bit.

The build team are now on site, working on the interiors. The building is currently wrapped up waiting for the cladding to be delivered and applied.

We can’t wait to see it all come together during the next few weeks.